
Who owns Copyright?

The key points are as follows:

  • Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, Mayfair Studios AU owns Copyright to all images. All Photographers waive their rights to ownership and use and may not (including but not limited to) keep, use, display, promote, advertise any images taken for and under the Company. Doing so will be seen as a breach of Copyright and legal action will be taken against any Photographer who does not abide by this.

  • Mayfair Studios AU - Owners of copyright have the exclusive right to: reproduce the photographs—for example, by making prints, photocopying, and digitising; publish the photograph (make copies of the photographs available to the public for the first time); and communicate the photograph to the public—for example, by putting the photographs onto a website, broadcasting or faxing them or emailing digital files of them.

  • Dealings with Copyright - Copyright owners can assign (sell) or license (permit others to use) their rights, with or without limitations (such as the type of use, or period of time), and with or without conditions (such as payment).

How does Popcorn Photography license photos for use?

  • We provide a Royalty Free Perpetual License to use the photos for personal use only. If you have special requirements ie. Rights Managed Licensing, please contact us.

  • We provide two sizes: Web (Around 980px longest side @ 300dpi) and Print (Around 4900px longest side @ 300dpi). As we always retain archived copies of the original RAW files, other sizes can be requested if required.

  • Where photos are used for press releases/magazines/news, we request that a photo credit be given as follows "Photo: Mayfair Studios AU"

  • Our charges for Rights Managed Images are as follows:

    • Unwatermarked High Res image (Min 4900px longest side, 300dpi).
      License - Use: Marketing and promotional collateral, Format: Brochure, Magazine and direct or electronic mail, This use covers: Printed material that is designed with a cover and interior. It includes brochures, direct mail pieces, envelopes, sales catalogs, folders and pamphlets as well as copies of the ad transmitted electronically. Size: Up to Full page, Placement: Inside, Circulation: Up to 25,000, Distribution: Printed Media, Duration: Up to 1 year, Territory: Worldwide.
      $350 per image per year.

    • Unwatermarked Low Res image (980px longest side, 300dpi).
      License - Use: Marketing collateral for websites and in blogs., Format: Internet or electronic mail, Distribution: Electronic Distribution – no social media, Territory: Worldwide.
      $165 per image per year.